BLOUNTVILLE, TN — Tennessee Health Commissioner Dr. John Dreyzehner is sending out a call to action for people to get inoculated with a shot to prevent influenza, according to the Bristol Herald Courier.
Annually, influenza kills about 500,000 people around the world, and some 20,000 Americans under the age of five are admitted to treatment centers because of the virus, the story stated.
According to the story, those most vulnerable are the elderly and the young, notably those with suppressed immune systems, heart disease and lung disease.
Dreyzehner stressed that, if healthy individuals receive a flu shot, they can help protect vulnerable populations and curb the spread of influenza, the story noted.
Infection Awareness Should Not Take A Summer Vacation
Dr. Randy Wykoff, dean of the College of Public Health at East Tennessee State University, said, “A lot of people don’t take this disease as seriously as they should.”
Despite the severity of influenza, less than half of the U.S. population opted for inoculation last year — either the traditional shot or the new nasal spray — last year, the story added.
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